My master’s project is a window to my growth through being in this program. While documenting my master’s project, I realized I also have evolved throughout this journey, which has been the most rewarding part of all.
My original idea for the project had a very specific goal to highlight four individual women who have unique stories related to activism and politics.
What I realized throughout documenting these women’s stories, I have learned more about my own in the process.
What started as the foundation for my masters project ended up also becoming the ultimate educational building block for my transition into a full-time freelance career.
This timeline will take you through my journey from the beginning stages, highlighting personal and professional development woven through these markers.
While documenting my masters project, I also have evolved throughout this journey, which has been the most rewarding part of all. In creating this work over the past three years, I feel this journey has become indicative of my evolution as photographer which has ultimately broadened the scope of this story, making it more personal to my growth as an individual and as a storyteller. This project reflects my journey as a photojournalist, where I began, and how my experiences have shaped and led me to where I am now in my career.